National Coaching Certification Program

What is the NCCP?

The National Coaching Certification Program was developed by the Coaching Association of Canada and its partners. The program targets 67 different sports, in both official languages, and is the recognized standard for coach training and certification in Canada.

To view a video presentation on the new NCCP model, click here.

If you are not familiar with the CAC “LOCKER” Database, which is a depository of all coaching information, you will find information on how to register in the  Judo Canada NCCP Policy. All details on the structure and operation of Judo Canada Coaching Certification program is located in that policy.

NCCP in Judo

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) in Judo is the result of a partnership between Judo Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada. This program enables participants to learn both, in a classroom setting and on the mat, what it means to be a coach/instructor in judo. The NCCP is the recognized national standard for coaching judo in Canada.


In 2010 the Coaching Certification program in Canada changed from “level system” to a “competency education and training system”
What is new and how did it affect coaches certified in the old standard?

  1. In the new system coaches must be evaluated to be certified.
  2. Certification is valid for 5 years and to extend a validity coaches must accumulate Professional Development points.
  3. Coaches certified in the old system were transferred to the new system

If your certification in the current NCCP system was transferred from the old Levels system, and you have never completed the Make Ethical Decisions (MED) online evaluation, you may renew your certification in one step – take the MED online evaluation. For example: If you were certified Level 2 Certified NCCP coach and your certification was transferred to the current system in May 2015, your maintenance cycle would be January 1st 2016 – January 1st 2021. If you have never completed the MED online evaluation it should be completed it before January 1st 2021. Once you do so, your maintenance cycle will restart.

HOW TO EARN PD points?

All the PD activities must be recorded in the Locker.

  • Self directed activities must be recorded by each coach in their own Locker profile page where the “self-report” button is available in the certification tab. There are two options to self-declare self-directed coaching activity:
  1. Active coaching can be claimed as a maximum of 1 point per year for a maximum of 5 points per one re-certification period.  Points must be claimed in the LOCKER one at the time during the current year of coaching – I.e.  point for 2018 must be claimed between January 1 2018 and December 31, 2018.
  2. Self-directed learning can be claimed as a maximum of 3 points per cycle, and can be claimed in one entry, based on the length of the activity, or multiple entries, adding up to 3 points. The guidelines are 1 point per hour of learning.
  • Any Nationally or Provincially/Territorially sanctioned PD activity (coaching clinic – for example, seminars for coaches delivered by invited experts, instructor clinic such as kata seminars), will be recorded in the Locker by Judo Canada. These activities must be approved for the PD points by Judo Canada in advance of such activity being conducted. No retroactive approval will be granted.
  • Any PD organized by the CAC qualifies for PD points. For example, the Sport Leadership Sportif conference is automatically reported in the Locker and provides 5 PD points.
  • Any organized by Judo Canada NCCP activities are automatically recorded in the Locker and award PD points.

What happens if you do not have enough PD points on the date of certification expiry?

If coaches do NOT meet the requirements for a “re-certification, their status in the Locker will show “not renewed”.  If such coach chooses to remain active, then they will have the following options to become “Certified” again:

  • Complete the MED online – only if that coach never did this in the past – HOWEVER, every coach has to complete this module at least once in a lifetime.  Even if coach accumulates the required points but that coach did not complete this evaluation, the certified status will not be renewed.
  • Complete PD activities that will give points to be added to the points previously accumulated by the coach. Once the point threshold for a given certification is met, the certified status will be triggered, and a new 5 years period will be granted to the coach.

Challenge the evaluation for a given coaching context: Judo Canada course and evaluation fees will apply as per the NCCP policy – see page 31

To learn more about Maintenance of Certification, visit the Maintenance of Certification page on linking to all pertinent information, including FAQ.


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